Monday, March 2, 2015

Hubble Sees Supersonic Exhaust From Nebula
M2-9, 2,000 light years away, velocity of gas is 200 miles per second, located in Ophiuchus

Butterfly Nebulae, 3,800 light years away,  its wingspan stretches across 3 light years, located in Scorpius

 File:Planetary nebula NGC 3918.jpg
NGC 3918, 5,000 light years away, used to be a red giant, located in Centaurus

M57, 2,300 light years away, its angular size is 1.4 x 1.0 arc minutes, located in Lyra

Hubble Sees Planetary Nebula IC 289
IC 289, 4,000 light years away, its angular size is 40", located in Cassiopeia

 Planetary Nebula ESO 456 67
ESO 456-67, 10,000 light years away, multiple layers that were expelled by the central star are visible, located in Sagittarius

image from the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope shows NGC 7026
NGC 7026, 6,000 light years away, it emits X-ray radiation, located in Cygnus

BLOG Nebula
NGC 7027, 3,000 light years away, the remainders of a star like our sun, located in Cygnus

Planetary Nebula NGC 6210
NGC 6210, 6,500 light years away, the green light represents the doubly ionized oxygen, located in Hercules

Hubble image of the planetary nebula NGC 5189
NGC 5189, looks like a red giant

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